Freedom to Hear Our Father's Voice

An adoration prayer to hear the Father's voice.

Hearing The Fathers Voice

When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of Truth who goes out from the Father, He will testify about Me. And you also must testify....(John 15:26-27)

Who has the right to silence our Father’s voice? No one! Who has the right to silence His children’s voice? No one!  You, the God of Hope who loves to Guide us, have given Your children the freedom to hear Your Voice and proclaim Your Truth.  

You have sent Your Holy Spirit, the Counselor, to lead us into all Truth so that we can continually tell others of who You truly are and of Your Unfailing Love for us.  

Wonderful Counselor, You are here sharing with us the deep Truths of God. (John 14:26)  You speak to us in Your perfect way, sharing with us who You truly are and the things that are on Your heart. You reveal to us how much You love us and the many ways You care for us. What an incredible gift and honor it is to get to know You in this way.  

Lord, You have invited us to walk with You in the secret place.  You love being alone with each of us as we spend time with You in the garden of a your heart. Abba, You are the Abundantly Available God and You are always willing to make Yourself available to us at anytime. .

As we get to spend time with You, our love for You grows deeper and deeper, and we come to know and understand You more and more.  You begin to tell us the things in Your heart and You speak to us about who You created us to be. (Psalm 42:8)  You guide us out of the lies and into the Truth.

You reveal Your thoughts about situations going on in the world today, in all areas of life, including our cities and our nation. And as we grow closer and closer to You, You share Your great hopes for the future for us, both individually as well as for America.  There is nothing in our lives You don’t care about and You want us to understand how much we truly mean to You.

Lord, You alone have given us this most precious gift - the right to hear and know the heart of our Heavenly Father.  You truly delight in leading us into an intimate relationship with You where You share Your heart with us. And, You have given this gift to those who went before us as well. Throughout the ages, we see that Your prophets drew close to You, learned what was on Your heart, and then released Your message to the world. In spite of many attempts to censor them, they spoke with great boldness and passion for You, because they knew and loved You. (Hebrews 1:1; Isaiah 2:3)  

Your servant David loved being with You, anywhere and anytime, but especially as he was alone in the fields with You watching the sheep. You gave him song after song to give to the world...songs of guidance, comfort and praise. (Psalm 63).  John the Baptist was able to introduce You, the Lamb of God, to the world because You had prepared him to recognize You. (John 1:33)  

Even our Founding Fathers in America spent time consulting You privately, and then praised You as they followed Your leadership as You birthed our nation. They grew close to You, learned to love You, and then testified as to how wonderful You truly are. They let the world know You were creating something new, and we must testify as well.

Lord, You have given us this freedom to hear Your voice and to speak Your truth and it can never be taken away. We are so grateful. Thank You, Abba.  


We, as the children of God, have been given the Freedom to hear and know the heart of our Father and to proclaim His Goodness to one another. America will walk in the the Joy of that Freedom, bringing Wisdom, Strength and Healing to herself and the world.


America will let her heart be led by the God of Hope who Guides Us, allowing Him to bring us out of the lies and into the truth.


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